[INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.4; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
[INFO] WordPress version 4.3
[INFO] Blog url: http://www.vacref.org/
[INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 7 * * *; Next: Wed, 26 Aug 2015 @ 07:00
[INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
[INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.29 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
[INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds
[INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.36-log
[INFO] Web Server: Apache/2
[INFO] curl ver.: 7.22.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1
[INFO] Temp folder is: /hermes/bosoraweb120/b479/ipw.vacref/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-0651dc-temp/
[INFO] Logfile is: /hermes/bosoraweb120/b479/ipw.vacref/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-0651dc-logs/backwpup_log_0651dc_2015-08-25_10-59-37.html
[INFO] Backup type is: archive
[INFO] Backup file is: /hermes/bosoraweb120/b479/ipw.vacref/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-0651dc-backups/backwpup_0651dc_2015-08-25_10-59-38.tar.gz
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] 1. Try to backup database …
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Connected to database vacref_zft6_nwaqeefiausxuaophrjp on vacref.ipowermysql.com
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_blc_filters” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_blc_instances” with “~153” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_blc_links” with “~67” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_blc_synch” with “~98” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_commentmeta” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_comments” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_eig_sso” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_links” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_options” with “~193” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_postmeta” with “~2046” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_posts” with “~879” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_revslider_css” with “~22” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_revslider_layer_animations” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_revslider_settings” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_revslider_sliders” with “~5” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_revslider_slides” with “~18” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_term_relationships” with “~108” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_term_taxonomy” with “~25” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_terms” with “~25” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_usermeta” with “~197” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_users” with “~11” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfBadLeechers” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfBlockedIPLog” with “~5” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfBlocks” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfBlocksAdv” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfConfig” with “~62” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfCrawlers” with “~20” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfFileMods” with “~8331” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfHits” with “~1” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfHoover” with “~1773” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfIssues” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfLeechers” with “~66” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfLockedOut” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfLocs” with “~1” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:38] Backup database table “zft6_wfLogins” with “~168” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfNet404s” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfReverseCache” with “~1” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfScanners” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfStatus” with “~1067” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfThrottleLog” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wfVulnScanners” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_categories” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_clients_page” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_comments” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_file_categories” with “~1” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_files” with “~1” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_files_download_log” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_group_clients” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_groups” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_login_logs” with “~44” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_login_redirects” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_objects_assigns” with “~10” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_payments” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Backup database table “zft6_wpc_client_portal_page_categories” with “~0” records
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Added database dump “vacref_zft6_nwaqeefiausxuaophrjp.sql.gz” with 743.19 kB to backup file list
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] Database backup done!
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:39] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:46] 929 folders to backup.
[25-Aug-2015 10:59:46] Restart will be executed now.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:34] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Check WP Export file …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Compressing file …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Compressing done.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Added XML export “VACREF-web-site.wordpress.2015-08-25.xml.gz” with 79.09 kB to backup file list.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Added plugin list file “VACREF-web-site.pluginlist.2015-08-25.txt” with 3.04 kB to backup file list.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:36] Added manifest.json file with 5.53 kB to backup file list.
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:37] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 11:06:37] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[25-Aug-2015 11:32:33] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 11:32:34] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 12:00:48] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 12:00:48] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 12:24:15] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 12:24:16] 4. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 12:54:01] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 12:54:01] 5. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 13:41:04] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 13:41:05] 6. Trying to create backup archive …
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] ERROR: Step aborted: too many attempts!
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] 1. Trying to check database …
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_blc_filters is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_blc_instances is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_blc_links is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_blc_synch is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_commentmeta is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_comments is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_eig_sso is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_links is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_options is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_postmeta is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_posts is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_revslider_css is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_revslider_layer_animations is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_revslider_settings is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_revslider_sliders is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_revslider_slides is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_term_relationships is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_term_taxonomy is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_terms is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_usermeta is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_users is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfBadLeechers is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfBlockedIPLog is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfBlocks is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfBlocksAdv is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfConfig is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfCrawlers is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfFileMods is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfHits is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfHoover is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfIssues is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfLeechers is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfLockedOut is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfLocs is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfLogins is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfNet404s is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfReverseCache is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfScanners is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfStatus is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfThrottleLog is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wfVulnScanners is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_categories is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_clients_page is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_comments is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_file_categories is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_files is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_files_download_log is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_group_clients is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_groups is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_login_logs is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_login_redirects is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_objects_assigns is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_payments is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Result of table check for zft6_wpc_client_portal_page_categories is: OK
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] Database check done!
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] One old log deleted
[25-Aug-2015 14:15:23] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 11746 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.